INTHECARDS - Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology

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INTHECARDS - Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology in Helsingborg

Get a consultation from INTHECARDS - Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology in Helsingborg - no waiting. 30- years of experience in Chinese Astrology. *********PLEASE READ BEFORE ENTERING PRIVATE CHAT*********** ►►►►• This is a video format platform, I DO NOT TYPE. Please have your speakers/headsets cam and mike ready when you enter into Private Chat. ►►►►• PLEASE do not enter into Private Chat directly from this profile. When I am online I maintain the free chat room NOT only as a way for US to introduce ourselves. But for my current clients and I to converse and for new clients to get to know me. ►►►►• When you are ready to enter into a Private Chat please come into the Free Chat FIRST, introduce yourself, and state your concern. I will let you know at that point if I feel an affinity to your concern. Allow me a moment to invite those in the Free Chat back after we are finished THEN we can enter into Private Chat. ►►►►►• Please do not enter into Private Chat when you see me as ONLINE but NOT in free chat. If a client needs to purchase additional credits to finish a consult, I will wait for them in Members Chat to complete that process. ►►►►• At the present time I DO NOT have an affinity to LEGAL MATTERS, CAREER, BUSINESS, REAL ESTATE, ACADEMIA, FINANCE, or HEALTH( i.e. pregnancy.). ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I presently DO have an affinity towards relationships and interpersonal interactions. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I offer comprehensive consults on interpersonal interactions. In other words we can take a direct look at not only a persons true feelings on a particular matter. We can also look at the underlying motives that drive these emotions and actions.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ We can expand the consult to look beyond the interaction between JUST the two of you. To look at how others (i.e. Family friends coworkers, exes, etc.) impact an affect the situation. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ We can expand beyond a simple interaction. To look at the underlying foundation that each person is working with to build any interaction on. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ By taking into consideration the ENTIRE picture not just the interpersonal interaction, you can see what lies ahead with clarity. This allows YOU, as a partner in the interaction, to make the most well informed choices in regards to the direction the relationship is heading in from that point forward. ♥♥♥♥ ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ Over the years my clients have found they can even track the progress of not only their own personal development but the development of the relationship between each other through the consults looked at over a time period. I normally limit the outlook of a a consult to no more then three months forward from the day of the consult in order to provide current information you can use in the short term future and make the most of opportunities and prepare for outcomes which cant be avoided. ♥♥♥♥♥ >>>>>>>>Here are a few comments from recent clients I an currently helping. Awesome! Always consistent, and fantastic accuracy. KALEOOOO, la Amazingly accurate mkjay28, London THERE ARE NO WORDS I CAN USE TO EXPLAIN THE READING I JUST RECEIVED!! But I never felt so AMAZED by ones work. He gave me as much as he could for the short time we talked. HE IS AMAZING . I WISH I went to him first, I found him by accident and never left, he is now my ONLY FAVORITE. He let me hear the things I NEEDED to hear, so much I'm sweating nervously, (or maybe i just got super hot) But its crazy THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!! I will be coming back. He made me feel like home. Like, I was asking an uncle for advice, if you want a sugar coating, this is not the guy for you. He WILL tell you straight up , and thats EXACTLY what I needed to hear. He made me feel comfortable in the free chat then, when i was ready, I went to private and I felt like I've known him for a while. I wasnt nervous or anything . well at first, but then I got used to it,. he made me laugh, smile, and I was just AMAZED by his skills. THANK YOU ONCE MORE FOR THE READING :D BlackTea808, Tacoma (fort lewis) I feel so inspired by my reading. I'm looking forward to moving ahead. I was very satisfied and I highly recommend! sweetsiren0072, long island, ny He made me feel really comfortable and was straight forward and honest and right on about so much. Will definitely be adding him to my favs. Juderox, south tx He was very, very detailed and honest, he will give you his best advice. I had a fantastic reading with you Bill, thanks so much! I will return. RuinofDarkness, San Diego Bill is very kind and helpful, and thorough...definitely get a private reading! aquarius49, London He is aweeeesoommmmeee!! and totally consistent! delighted2, Oh my what a fantastic reading. I'm blown away. I will surely be back he is so accurate, unbelievable. Lorann23, Malta Amazing, best reading i have had in a long time!! i read card for people but have a hard time with my own he hit so many thing with such precision. I feel 100% more confirmed that what im doing and feeling is all worth it!!! dolphin401, RI He did really great! Very engaging, detailed, and in depth. I would definitely have another reading with him as well as, suggest him to others. QueenEmpress He is always so great, gives a lot of details and makes you feel better. Please give him a try, and you won't be disappointed, thank you! cammyboo, Greenwich Awesome! Always consistent, and fantastic accuracy. Bill's amazing! :) yangel1, India

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